Rozena Backdoor Malware Uses a Fileless Attack to Injecting Remote shell on Windows.

There are currently many methods of distribution of malware. Rozena is no different, so to distribute a previously undocumented backdoor named Rozena on Windows systems, a phishing campaign has recently been observed that leverages the recently disclosed Follina vulnerability.
The Microsoft Windows Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) is an application designed for remote code execution, resulting in a CVE-2022-30190 vulnerability published in May 2022.
A malicious external URL link can be embedded in a Microsoft Office document to trigger an exploit allowing attackers to inject a malware OLE object into the file. This method lures victims into clicking on the link or simply previewing the document.
CVE ID: CVE-2022-30190
Description: Microsoft Windows Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Released: May 30, 2022
CVSS: 7.0
Affected platforms: Microsoft Windows
Impact parties: Microsoft Windows Users
Impact: Full Control of Affected Machine
Severity: Critical
Technical Analysis
Upon opening an infected document containing a Discord CDN URL as a starting point, the document connects to a Discord CDN URL to retrieve an HTML file (“index.htm”) as the result of the latest attack chain observed by Fortinet.
Technical Analysis
Upon opening an infected document containing a Discord CDN URL as a starting point, the document connects to a Discord CDN URL to retrieve an HTML file (“index.htm”) as the result of the latest attack chain observed by Fortinet.
#malware #microsoft #windows #html #cibersecurity #ciberseguridad
Credit. Pablo Palacios